HohuiFlex providing Slider travel bags for Taichi Corporation

May 09,2023

About Taichi 

Taichi Corporation, founded in 2010, is a global leader in the research, development, and production of cutting-edge wellness solutions. The company is dedicated to promoting harmony between the mind, body, and spirit through innovative products and technologies that are inspired by the ancient Chinese practice of Tai Chi. With its headquarters located in San Francisco, California, Taichi Corporation has made significant strides in establishing a strong presence across North America, Europe, and Asia.

C-13.pngThe company's mission is to empower individuals to achieve optimal health and well-being by offering a range of products and services that incorporate the principles of Tai Chi. These include fitness equipment, wearable devices, mobile applications, and online courses, all designed to help users unlock the full potential of this age-old practice.

Taichi Corporation's flagship product, the Taichi Mat, has gained international acclaim for its unique design and functionality. The mat combines pressure-sensitive technology with personalized guidance, enabling users to perfect their Tai Chi movements and enhance their overall well-being. This revolutionary product has garnered numerous awards and recognitions, solidifying Taichi Corporation's position as a pioneer in the wellness industry.

Partner for Success

HohuiFlex, renowned for its innovative solutions, has been a trailblazer in the luggage industry. Its unique offerings have left an indelible mark on businesses globally. How so, you may ask? Well, it all started with the Slider Travel Bag.


The Birth of Slider Travel Bags

HohuiFlex recognized a gap in the market for durable, flexible, and, most importantly, customizable travel bags. Hence, the Slider Travel Bag was born – a perfect blend of versatility and style, made to cater to every traveler's needs.

Taichi Corporation's Needs

Now let's talk about Taichi Corporation, a multinational conglomerate, with employees constantly on the move. Their need? A travel bag solution that could match their employees' dynamic lifestyle and cater to their various travel requirements.

The Search for the Perfect Travel Bag

Finding the perfect travel bag for their extensive workforce wasn't a walk in the park. Taichi Corporation required something more than just a typical bag. They needed a solution that was not only functional but also represented their brand and values.


HohuiFlex Meets Taichi Corporation

Enter HohuiFlex with their Slider Travel Bags. HohuiFlex proposed a tailored solution to Taichi, customizing the Slider Travel Bags to align with Taichi's brand image and employee needs.

The Proposal

It wasn't just about providing a product; HohuiFlex committed to a partnership, understanding Taichi's needs, and delivering beyond expectations.

The Customization Process

The bags were personalized down to the last stitch, reflecting Taichi's ethos and creating an immediate connection with the employees. From color to design, every aspect was thoughtfully curated.


The Impact of Slider Travel Bags

The collaboration between HohuiFlex and Taichi Corporation led to groundbreaking results.


Employee Satisfaction

The employees embraced the Slider Travel Bags wholeheartedly. They appreciated the blend of functionality and style, along with the personal touch.

Improved Mobility

The Slider Travel Bags enhanced mobility, making travel more seamless and efficient for the employees.


Business Efficiency

But it wasn't just about the employees. Taichi Corporation also reaped the benefits. The customized bags helped streamline their travel logistics, leading to increased business efficiency.

Cost Savings

Plus, they experienced substantial cost savings in the long run, thanks to the durability and versatility of the Slider Travel Bags.


The Future of HohuiFlex and Taichi Corporation

The successful partnership between HohuiFlex and Taichi Corporation continues to flourish.

Continued Partnership

Both companies continue to collaborate, further strengthening their relationship. The success of the Slider Travel Bags has set a precedent for future collaborations.

Innovations in the Pipeline

With an innovative spirit at its core, HohuiFlex is already working on future product lines, with Taichi Corporation being an integral part of their plans.

About HohuiFlex

Founded in 1995, HohuiFlex is a global leader in food and liquid packaging —working in partnership with customers to create a safer and more sustainable future. HohuiFlex is committed to delivering high-quality, innovative flexible packaging solutions that offer reliable product protection. Headquartered in ShenZhen,(China), the company is inspiring change around the world, working as one across 3 global locations powered by a dedicated workforce of nearly 250 employees.

Our mission is simple; to help the world’s leading brands deliver their products in the best way possible. We do this by combining films, pouch, and label to help you go-to-market simply and quickly with a total packaging solution tailored to your specific needs.

With a strong history of success over the past 30 years, you can count on us to help you deliver your products where they need to go, while empowering you on your journey through the circular economy.

For more information, contact Steve Guo, General Manager at steve@hohui-china.com.

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/steve-guo-hohuipack/

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